I want to learn a new programming language. What should I learn? I am torn between Kotling, Go and Scala.
Or should I just learn a new JS framework? ;)

  • 2
    How about TypeScript :P
  • 5
    @AleCx04 Nah, that would make writing Website code almost bearable. I like the pain of plain JS.
  • 4
    I would suggest Golang. You can learn it quickly and start working.
  • 6
    How about Rust? A bit more complex but atleast that's a real language. (apart from Kotlin of course)
  • 3
    @12bitfloat I'm thinking of learning Rust. I don't know what to target as my first Rust project but probably I'll stick with the old school CLI tools. I hope Rust is an eligible language for that.
  • 2
    Clojure was quite fun to learn and you can interop with Java if you are stuck writing things the Clojure way.
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    @orhun It's pretty good for anything. Right now there's no actually good terminal crate, though.
    But I'm on it, should be released in the next weeks
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    I’d say C# or GoLang since both can be used for web dev and other things besides web dev.
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    @Bubbles C# can be use both for frontend as backend webdev :D
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    @R2-D2 That's a cli library, I'm talking about a low level curses alternative. But clap is also not perfect because they don't have native support for a final parse/validate function that sets up initial data structures or returns an error on illegal options
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    @Codex404 I would never use anything aside JavaScript (and HTML&CSS) for frontend. I’ve never heard of someone using C# for frontend
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    @R2-D2 it’s interesting, although I’d probably never use it
  • 3
    Rust is intentionally beginner unfriendly, so I wouldn't recommend it.

    If Go isn't a 'real language' than neither is C.

    As you can see, thats an absurdity.

    I checked out Kotlin, and you can definitely be productive in it. Go is great if you're just doing hobby or personal projects and want something thats quick to jump into.
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    @Wisecrack Rust isn't deliberately beginner unfriendly, it's just not that beginner friendly because you have to decide on your architecture beforehand, something a beginner can't. But it's certainly easier than C or C++ with all their secret yet super important rules like strict aliasing.

    Go is turing complete of course you can build literally anything with it. Still don't think it's a *good* language. More like robby pike's first programming language
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    @Ubbe No generics, no exceptions, github links as import. Gimme a break. That's amateur hour
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    @Ubbe Apparently I do
  • 2
    I have succeeded in starting a flamewar, or at least a minor brush fire.

    Today is a good day.
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