
Hello all,

I might be moving to England soon and I'm a drop-out. I have been coding for 5+ years and have quite an amount of experience in my hands. What courses should I consider that can boost my ability to find a job in England? Devops? Backend? Frontend? App Dev? Game Dev? I am interested and have a minor experience in DevOps, main bulk of my experience is in backend, a bit of frontend(not my field but its still coding) the other two i've had no experience in other then debugging and fixing code in several projects i've worked on.

Your help is much appreciated. Thank you.

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    I don't have much info to help you, but I'm quite interested to know how's the job market currently, especially considering the "ongoing" Brexit.
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    @Jilano Well I haven't moved there yet, will be moving soon but how would you like me to keep you posted in regards to what i find ?
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    Do you have a portfolio website where you showcase your work?

    In your case I would definitely invest some time in self marketing. Maybe even hire somebody on upwork.com and the sorts to create a communication concept and a compelling reason to hire you.

    Here some inspiration and research topic on how it's done
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    @Jilano the job market for developers is more or less unaffected.
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    @m0nk No worries. I'll just check this thread and see how it goes

    @compSci That's good to hear, thanks! I wonder if that'll change in 10 or so years when the deal will finally pass...
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    @heyheni thank you.
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    Where are you moving from? What are the circumstances? Do you have/need a visa or similar?

    These are important questions, and the answers might play a role in how quickly you can get a job…
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    @m0nk Providing you’re moving to a city or the out skirts of the city and not the ass end of no where you’ll find it pretty difficult not to find a job.
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    @SomeNone well im moving based on a spousal visa, and am coming from the middle east.
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    In London there's literally endless "DevOps" positions available at the minute. Backend Dev wise, there's a tonne of python and node positions all year round. If you know C++ there's plenty of opportunity to get to a hedge fund or bank as a quant if that's or interest. Quite a few PHP and Java roles although not like 5 years ago. Seen a few Erlang and Elixir positions, Scala too, hardly any ruby. Golang is really popular too right now, for some absurd reason. Plenty of opportunity to work with other languages however they're not typically a core skill requirement.
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