
I dont know what to feel anymore.

Got hired directly without an interview into 'Data-analytics' department in fortune 500 company. This is my first job. Got hired because this company want start a website that cost millions.

Even though I am junior, I can see that this company has no idea about software development at all. No git server, no code review, no quality assurance and no proper workflow. No senior developer to guide us (junior dev) too.

There is one 'senior' consultant that work on automation project here but he just focus on his work and don't help us directly too.

The contract is about 1 year. Still got 11 months to go :/

  • 21
    Can you take the opportunity to improve the situation? If so, you would have more fun, more responsibility, and a good basis for re-negotiating your contract, salary and position in 11 months.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop wish I can do that but there will be a lot of things to learn and that would take some time. Hopefully things will get better
  • 2
    @24th-Dragon yes as for now they dont see it yet, but when in future Im sure things will got worse. The cost of fixing something after production will be alot higher. Cant wait to leave once the contract ends
  • 1
    This makes no sense - if this is a fortune 500 company their must be some shared resources.

    Was in similar situation in ‘Marketing’ but we were supported by IS who did the testing and DB stuff. We just worried about everything else.
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