
Good morning

I can't decide between react-native, flutter and ionic.
If I would go for flutter I have to learn dart, but that would be no problem.
Any recommendations?
Expierence in these technologies?

Thank you

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    came to read the comments
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    Flutter has the advantage of being slightly more efficient than React Native and Ionic. However, the other two or more mature, which you can definitely notice if you're building production software.

    My two cents, if you can, go with native (not react native, actually native). Otherwise stick with the more mature frameworks. Go with what you like best.
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    So kotlin/swift?
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    @jakobev yeah just avoid objective C like the plague
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    I only briefly tried react native and ionic before settled with flutter because Dart is easy and boring (in a good way) if you already know Java. Flutter is fun though. They took react native approach and make it a bit easier to grasp.
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    I wrote apps in react native and flutter

    Community support for React Native is much better. However; I found flutter to be slightly faster.

    Never liked Ionic, I honestly worked with early versions and the fact it is a web page rendered inside a webview? Not sure if its the same now, but in both cases, this is bad for apps that has the potential to grow big ...

    React native is good, but I never felt "Native" experience when using react native apps regardless if written by me or others, unless I'm mistaken and Instagram is written purely native

    For me I like SwiftUI & Kotlin, waiting for Android to support declarative UI, still in early preview for now.

    Anyhow; for the meantime I'd go with native code Swift, Kotlin/Java.
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    I would agree with the true native suggestions here. React native or nativescript is what I would generally opt for if I were required to build a single-ish codebase for multiple targets, ionic hasn't aged well.
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