Right,i consider myself a pretty damn good dev... I can back up everything I say to prove that I'm right on not lying to clients

But I see all these devs who do lie... Who withold data from clients cause it's not great.

And I go to clients and prove that they are lying not doing it right.

But I know saying to them... Oi your current devs are shit fire them ... Isn't a good way to get them as a client

Me and my company are open and honest ... we go all out on all of our projects. I work nonstop. It is seriously baffling the kind of developers are out there and how bad they can be I'm... Seriously just.... Urgh 😖

How should I go about talking to clients without going ... Fire them quick or saying that in a ... More humble respectful way...

I need more clients ... To survive and I don't mind coming across as a dick as long as they understand what's going on and that they are people ripped off by these asshole devs

  • 3
    You could say something like...

    "Hey, how are you?"

    **"I'm here for xyz company, and we provide xyz services.. *then explain why you're better than the rest, + also mention that they can trust you and show some proof, then get into that topic of untrusted devs.* from here you could either explain the consequenes or leave it but never tell them to fire their dev.. let them make their own decisions.

    Then I believe you'll be talking non-stop for hours..

    then, you can show them via whatever method that their current application is stealing their data or anything..

    Note: this ** might not even necessary, but at least you got the point.. hopefully.. :')

    That's the best I can think of right now. Maybe other people have a better idea.

    Good luck~;
  • 3
    @hunchie it's useful to explain to have a plan I m going to the business show to show my company off hopefully I can explain this stuff to potential clients
  • 0
    I understand. But what does the asshole dev gain is he lies?
  • 2
    @SweetHuman the point is most companies have a boss or most higher ups in companies don't know tech.
    So if things don't get done right or stats don't get put in they don't know to ask for them they have to trust the devs , like a mechanic with people's cars

    My company let's say mail chimp stats we give you access you see it directly no hidden data , you don't have to ask us for it it's just there. Because we are confident in our work
  • 1
    @FitzSuperUser oh. I get it now.
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