
Loved the first project at the university. Your game had to load a map from txt file and create a labirynth with a player inside. It shoud include a bird's eye view and FPS-like - all using only console characters. There were some bonus points - for example for animation or built-in map editor. (language was C)

  • 17
    And I was wondering what to do to increase my C skills with random stuff. Thanks for an idea! ^^
  • 5
    That's really cool! Good job!
  • 3
    Very very creative! Congrats. I like it.
  • 2
    Dude that's kewl! Can you move the player around?
  • 4
    @bowvernon110391 sure :D controls are - going forwards, backwards and rotating a player while standing in place.
  • 2
    I have no idea how you did this...!?
  • 10
    @Lasse I had an array containing all the fieIds and I was constantly updating another array (based on the position) of squares on front of the player and drew images thanks to that. I created three functions for it - one for a left wall, one for the wall in front and one for the wall on the right. I passed various arguments such as size(based on the distance) and texture (based on the appropiate character in the txt file).
  • 1
    I would never had come up with that
  • 0
    That could be done much simpler in ShellScript than C.... Of course with more limitations and less possibilities ...
  • 0
    @BatchBearr We were told to use C, so no other choice ;) next project wasn't that interesting though
  • 0
    @genex Oh, well I guess Shell ain't that significant anymore lol
  • 0
    @BatchBearr if what you have on mind is bash we had a lot of it too
  • 0
    This as a first uni project? I mean, maybe as an assignment for a whole semester. I'm sure this would take me at least month to do even without other subjects to worry about..
  • 2
    would you be able to send me the code for that? I'm extremely intrigued as to how you went about doing this
  • 0
    Now, this is just awesome!
  • 1
    Woah that's awesome. Any chance you could open source it?
  • 0
    After quite some time I consider it spaghetti code to be honest :P
  • 0
    Would you consider open sourcing this project? I would really love to try this out :o
  • 4
    Wow. Classes that require projects like this actually make you a better programmer.
  • 1
    @On-xTone On the other hand I had quite a hard time on the code review :P
  • 1
    I want the game and src ❤️
  • 1
    @genex. Can you share the code? 😋
  • 0
    Cool :), this vaguely reminds me of wolfenstein 3D, it also had a level editor and would work similar to this.
  • 1
    @On-xTone I have no time, I just wanted to try it ;)
  • 1
    I hate to echo the same sentiments as others, but I'm building a web based text game in my spare time and this would go a long way to helping me figure out how navigating the world might work.

    Course I'd have to rewrite the whole thing in front end Js, but the algorithm and example code would be a massive help!
  • 1
    📌 for OP possibly sharing the source
  • 0
    Damn! This is actually looking very good!
  • 0
    @KeyWeeUsr that's a great idea, for almost any language :) I may have to try swift that way...
  • 0
    Now I want to make my own raycaster!
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