
Can someone explain to me why there is so much hate on PHP circulating?

  • 4
    Because of all the shitty code thats out there
  • 4
    Because the border between nonprogrammer and shitty PHP programmer is very thin. :)
  • 1
    I like it.
  • 2
    Php, well erm...It's a bit like Bono. No one really knows why they hate him...
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    I've been lots of spaghetti code in PHP, but I know its fault of the bad programmers that use it.

    I prefer ruby over PHP but I thank PHP because my first web was built using it.
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    If you endorse PHP, it's a vote against Hillary. Nobody wants that.
  • 2
    @AcidBurn is that because PHP is used for sending illegal emails too?

    Sorry couldn't resist.
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