
How can you avoid getting burned out/what can you do once you get there?

I've been feeling burnt out for the last couple of months or so, and it's really starting to affect my work+personal projects.

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    Take up a hobby that would let you have a chance to have a thought that is not about your project. You will find that if will help when you are stuck and need a brake.
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    Rule number 1. It's OKAY to take breaks. Those breaks may take an hour. They may take a day or 2. When you decide to go on a break, you stop thinking about anything that's related to your work. When you come back, you'll be able to look at everything with clear sight.
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    Do some running or meditation. I run 4 to 5 times a week for half to an hour. That flushes braincache and is healthy. Thats why my startup is kinda related to this topic. :)
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    Thank you all for the advice. I guess breaks and generally a more healthy lifestyle are needed
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    If at all possible, take a vacation. 2 weeks or longer is better. Give your mind a chance to wander. You'll come back with a clear head and fresh perspective.
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    Don't take a vacation when you are burned out! It will make your vacation a living hell all preoccupied with the reasons for the burnout.

    What I do is just push myself a bit further and take a vacation when I still have only few things left to finish.

    When I come back My thoughts are all sorted out and ready to tackle the remaining issues with ease.
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