
Should we do office work in weekend?

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    @Letmecode boss keep on giving extra work for weekends
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    @Letmecode then maybe I have to find new job :D
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    I mean I know weekends are to relax a bit or atleast do my personal work. I hate working for office man :/
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    I would agree with @Letmecode unless you are being paid to do it and are happy doing it. I often end working on things outside office hours but I enjoy my job and I am not actually asked to do it.
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    Only do it if you're happy with it, but don't let your superiors take advantage of it!
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    I just hate working in pressure
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    @rehman if you feel that it's a burden to you, then don't do it. Tell your superiors you won't do it unless they can make you comfortable doing it.
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    In capitalism capitalists always try to squeeze out more working hourers by it's bought workforce for free. Say no to that because you sold only a limitited time of your lifetime to them, not the fucking whole lot.
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    If paid, yes, not, no
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    If it's paid and you like it, you can do it. Programming in weekend for me it's relaxing for example. Anyway you can refuse it. I don't know how law works in your country, but I'm pretty sure he can't force you
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    Doing brainwork in the weekends is useless because if you're doing it right you spend your energy evenly throughout the week and get the weekend to recharge. Doing more than you can handle only makes you less productive.
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    @h3ll don't know if you have been through this conditions but no his name isnot that
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    I take my time in doing things but recently I can't bear pressure of work and I need my time to relax
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    If boss has left over work for you that has to be done on your weekend, then he is a failure as a manager and does not deserve his bloated salary.

    If a boss fucked up the time schedule it definitely does not mean you have to mop up the shit after him, it's his job to plan the work so it would be done in time.

    So if he fucked up;
    a. Tell him to go fuck him self in a mannered fashion.
    b. Never fucking ever agree to do work at home - it's a hole that will be used more than once
    c. Have a talk with that boss and explain to him you reluctance to take work home with you, and if it does not help talk to hr.
    d. If this sort of crap is the culture of this company, find yourself a new job and hand in your notice and good luck.

    (too close to my heart this issue is - Yoda style)
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