Fuck you sophos. Fuck you hard. I moved a server to a new datacenter and it worked like a charm. Thank you windows and hyper-v. BUT! BUUUUUUT my fucking sophos worked like shit. Blocking everything by default? Yeah fuck you. Reconfigured everything. Still blocked and why? Forward “all“ doesnt mean forward all. Had to apply rules from port tcp 1 - 65335 and udp 1-65335. Nice you piece of fuck.

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    You'd be moaning if it allowed a virus.

    It's just doing it's job.
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    @drRoss no it does not. Where does “play switch and forward everything to the next firewall right behind you“ mean “block everything by default“? It did it job? Fuck no it 3 jobs.

    1. Split incoming shit do different nets
    2. Be a fucking switch
    3. Monitor traffic

    Right after that sophos i had ANOTHER sophos for security.

    Why that strange setup? Datacenter required me to use their sophos for said jobs.
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