
I lose motivation to do anything today.

I don't want to watch movie , I don't want to eat , am I facing a different form of burnout or am I depressed?

I hope I will be feeling better tomorrow.

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    Thank man. I am going to wait for 2-3 days to see if it goes away naturally like a cold.
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    What's the thing you enjoy the most? For me is playing videogames, when I'm not in the mood even for it, sleeping as much as I can helps me a lot
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    *In Zoom call with entire company (300+)*

    - Coworker with accent finishes presentation
    - CEO asks if he's speaking from Peru
    - Coworker says he's working from New York

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    For me it is reading.

    I don't think sleeping will help me since I got extra 4 hour sleep today.

    Who know? The problem may fix itself. I just need to figure how to turn off and on my mind again since restarting fix problems.
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    This happens to me at least once a week lol
    Just do smthing that dosent stress u out or simple just lie down dont do anything
    Everything passes with time
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    @pmanas same. Sometimes a couple times of week. Seems pretty normal.
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