Dear Steam,

Is it possible to send ONE FUCKING E-MAIL for the "items on my wish list that are on sale", instead of sending 4738258382 EMAILS FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE LIKE COMPLETE FUCKING MORONS?!?!

  • 5
    @Letmecode thought it'd be kinda bad to have product names. But sure, fuck 'em. Censoring, removed. 😠
    Thanks for the upvote :)
  • 2
    Ahahah I know that feeling, especially when I forget to update my wishlist and I receive mails like "HEY!!! OMFG!! finally that game you crave so much is on sale on Steam!!!! Totally never happened before for this title"
    .... And it's a game from 8 years ago 😲
  • 5
    It's like a reminder that tells you that you're broke and can't buy any of those games even when they're on sale, annoying and sad... Sigh
  • 6
    I actually received an email yesterday that said "an item on your wishlist is on sale" and had 3 of my items. In the same email. I was like "what?!"
  • 2
    Gaben will not have mercy on your inbox. Or your wallet.
  • 0
    Keep in mind that it's relaying heavioy on jQuery up to this day so their infrastructure is quite legacy
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