
You will never exit this fitness club. 😜

  • 17
    That's one way to keep people to their resolutions.
  • 16
  • 2
    @uddinstock I don't go the gym so I want to override to exit :p lol
  • 8
    It's the hardest gym you'll ever use, but once you get use to it you can't use other gyms without complaining
  • 2
    One you come in you can never leave because you will never find the damn exit 😂😂😂
  • 1
    New users can't quit
  • 1
    The new company I work for uses vi/vim exclusively.
  • 0
    Hahaha, that's the truth. It is like an illness in good meaning. You will never be cured of it. I usually take part in different sports activities. Now I'm using https://inkin.com to stay fit and balanced. It helps me to be healthy in my age. I'm thankful for that.
  • 0
    Thank you for the information. I'm going to do weightlifting. And looking for suitable clothing and other sports equipment for training. Can someone advise where to find it.
  • 0
    Hello! Everything is really important in this sport - from shoes to clothes. Fortunately, I have everything. The only thing I've looked for were weightlifting socks https://warmbody-coldmind.com/produ... for my workouts. I love quality in everything. Therefore, I carefully select such things for training.
  • 0
    Thanks a lot!
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