Fuck web development - especially CSS. Actually only CSS.

Love Js/Ts, Vue, React (NextJs ftw) and especially thank you to SCSS for making things easier.

But CSS is my most detested LaNgUagE now.

After I finish these 2 projects, I’m not doing CSS anymore. Minimal touches, sure, but no more positioning.

Maybe that’s why I like Flutter, no hassles yet.

  • 3
    Unless you use web components, SCSS is per definition, the industry standard.
  • 6
    Lol. CSS is beautiful. It gives you, what you give it. And as soon as you use !important, you get fucked. And that's fine.
  • 3
    CSS is okay.
    It really lacks selectors for an element wich contains or precedes another element.
    It also could profit from adge-alignment properties and class inheritance.
    But most things can be done with CSS3 already.
  • 4
    CSS used to be a hell of a lot worse. I actually don't mind it now

    I speak the ways of the beast
  • 4
    Maybe tailwindcss can help you, it's easier than css and scss
  • 2
    @Oktokolo It also lacks the ability to use variables in media query breakpoints, style rule inheritance, and for some reason in 2020 (almost 2021) we still need browser prefixes on shit like linear-gradient and user-select.

    And who calls the hand cursor a "pointer". They're all fucking pointers.

    And some templating options might be nice.

    And while I'm wishing upon a shooting star, maybe make flexbox work a little more intuitively with scrolling / overflowing content.

    And maybe some better way to have manual selector rule importance rather than just the blunt force !important
  • 1
    Use BEM Methodology and love css again.
  • 3
    Sad trombone
  • 1

    > SCSS is per definition, the industry standard

    Per whose? I've never touched SCSS before and most places I've been to don't either.


    If you're using CSS without flexbox or grid in modern days you're only adding more pain to your life.
  • 0
    @junon There are many points why SCSS is the choice of CSS preprocessors, mainly the compatibility with pure CSS.

    If you use plain CSS, that’s fine too, but file concetination generally isn’t a great idea. Though, there are benefits of you’re using plain CSS, but you must know what you’re doing to keep things manageable in the long run.

    However, if you use any other preprocessor - including the SASS flavor, it’s one more translation layer in your project and you constantly will need additional work getting CSS in your Language. No matter if it’s from Stackoverflow, your inspector tests, or Sketch.

    Personally, I try to stay as true to CSS as possible while always having SCSS prepared, so I might catch basic syntax problems at compile time while getting (more or less) proper file trees.

    Basically, SCSS extends functionality of CSS, while others bake their own world view. It’s like wether you should use coffeescript all other again, but for styling this time.
  • 0
    @junon Stylus is the only competitor that would be sensible to replace it with. But due to it’s nature, you can end up with different syntaxes in the same project while Sass and SCSS strictly separate each other. Additionally, it can be tedious to do some SCSS specific things, but on the other hand, it’s more expressive. The stylus syntax can lead to misunderstandings easier if you glance over it compared to SCSS.

    Stylus is also less active than SCSS. And SCSS is battle tested in huge enterprise applications thanks to frameworks like angular.
  • 0
    @bagfox You're forgetting that most of the industry these days uses CSS-in-JS for modular, component applications - such as with `jss`.

    I would challenge a lot of what you're saying.
  • 0
    @junon CSS in JS is an answer to an question nobody asked for. JSS is applicable for JS driven environments. People still do traditional Websites, that maybe don’t use any JS at all. TypeScript projects will require additional work to properly type the styles to the components, depending on the framework.

    Stop giving the browser additional work. It can already interpret CSS well. You make double parsing, which can’t be parallelized. It also hurts caching.

    As long as you’re not in one of my projects, do whatever you want. I‘ve been through this already.
  • 0
    Can't have a box too small to fit the text - and the text fitting inside that box at the same time.
    Wouldn't work with pen and paper either...

    Remove the width constraint and the box will fit the text just fine.
  • 0
    Nope, client insists it much be this many characters, this large, in a square.

    Also you have to draw 6 lines, perpendicular to one another.
  • 0
    If you aren't skilled enough to implement such simple requirements, there are millions waiting to do the job...
  • 1
  • 1
    Nice sketch.

    But have you completed the 3D model of Esher's Waterfall already?
  • 0
    I have, but only the euclidean version. We're still waiting on the necessary components to declidify it.
  • 0
    Damn that cheap excuses. Don't be too proud. If you need help finishing the project in time, just say so. We could hire some random people with absolutely no practical experience in any field whatsoever to assist you. Surely, more people can do the thing in less time...
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