
That moment when you clean the cache on android phone with 4GB every time you want to download a new app, even if you have 32GB sdcard

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    4 GB phone? I cannot fathom it. Surely the lower limit of typical Android phone internal storage is 16 or AT LEAST 8 GB..?
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    @corscheid basically 8, but system takes 4, so 4 left
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    Make room for a new app? I have to make room just to download app updates. Google Play complains there isn't enough space to download updates, while it ignores the 15GB free on the SD card. It then offers a list of apps to uninstall, except the apps it suggests removing are the ones that are on the SD card, WHERE THERE'S ALREADY 15GB OF FREE SPACE THAT IT'S IGNORING ANYWAY! So much for "smart"phones.

    Don't want to turn this into an Android vs iOS thing (because I don't like either of them), but it
    serves me right for listening to the Android fanbois who insist that Apple phones suck because you can't extend their storage when they get full.
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    @QoolQuy2000 I think, that there is some trash in some system files, which can't be removed until rooting the phone, but it's dangerous to do such tricks
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