Found this in a 15 year old computer magazine!

  • 28
    The 128mb usb stick cost $30 back in 2003, You can now get a 128GB one for $25... Crazy
  • 28
    And now we have "chewing gum drives" with a capacities of 2 Terabyte.
  • 4
    But they only have the size of one actual chewing gum
  • 0
    Big chewing gum.
  • 4
    Woow max capacity 128 mb!
  • 3
    I have a 128mb USB-stick on my Keychain. It's for documents only, so the limitation is exactly what I need
  • 7
    15 Years from now it would be unbelievable even USB's existed.

    Future Kids : What kind of retards used physical devices that need to be carried around anyways.
  • 9
    Past: 128 Mb
    Present: 128 Gb
    Future: 128 Pb
  • 3
    @HTahboub 128pb, but on the klaud
  • 6
    @linuxer4fun no, that's old stuff, it'll be on the (drumroll) river!
  • 4
    @HTahboub so u wont need no vaporize the water :)
  • 1
    @HTahboub nope, next generation drives is just a personal place in a cloud. No need in physical devices because of 5G+ and IOT.
  • 1
    Storage amazes me so much
  • 0
    may be in the future we won't need any storage...
  • 9
    who needs storage .. there's a 50% chance of guessing the right bit anyways
  • 5
    @nik123 you know what they say, take it one bit at a time
  • 2
    @nik123 well it will be in the future so it will take no time, less then -20 sec (there will be time matine for calculations)
  • 1
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