
Uh... Really? How about you don't release bugs in the first place?

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    "How about you don't release bugs in the first place"

    Man that's kinda an ominous quote ...
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    Sounds like something some non technical PHB would say.
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    @N00bPancakes well I mean Oscar awards means way too many?

    The app became slow after the last update for no obvious reason.
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    I probably wouldn't advertise it that way.

    Like bugs always happen (well or your code is so small / focused that it really isn't much) ... I think we all accept that quashing bugs is part of the process.

    Advertising it too much, even if true, yeah looks weird.
  • 1
    @N00bPancakes well this app hasn't had a real feature update in years... So how they end up with all these bugs is like ????
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