
Experienced developer be like...

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    @niko*Impersonates Trump* I'm also not a fan of laravel either.... Not a fan.
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    Laravel makes php a bit less painful
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    "say <any solution you explicitly exclude as a solution for your use-case and that moron tells you it's _the_ solution>..."
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    What's up with Laravel?. It's done wonders for the PHP community.
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    @niko Laravel, Laravel, Laravel, Laravel, Laravel, Laravel...
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    Whelp, today I got virtually killed by a person on the internet.

    The internet is a rough place.
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    @nblackburn +1 for making me laugh.
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    laravel guys are over powering traditional framework experienced devs all together. 😁 btw im laravel dev too.
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    @kaiyum2012 Oh god here we go again...
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    @nblackburn yeah you are still alive. just got virtually killed by a bullet over Internet. 😁 cant stop laughing
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    @kaiyum2012 how do you know is really me and not just @niko
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    @nblackburn opps ! anyway some one had died virtually. 😅
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    Laravel will be my first php framework, and I love learning it so much. Why all the hate??
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    @kshitij it's just your regular hipsters that jump on the php hate train whenever possible even when it takes me literally seconds to prove my coworkers i can do whatever .net can with laravel - only faster :)

    Ofc - im talking about web applications which are our core business

    *stands ready for more php bashing*
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    @Skipp php bashing? Id rather use python
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    I'm not big on laravel either but as much crap I'm adding to my setup I might as well throw it all out and use laravel, I have slim, phinx, composer, bower, gulp. eventually it's going to be the size of laravel with an extra technical debt
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    @RazorSh4rk and you should - If you know the language better and feel comfortable using it - it's a perfect choice! Just like any other language fit for rhe job
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    In laravel, you can create complete database using migrations and generators in one single line of command and it's all under version control, how cool is that??
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