Data privacy is a thing of past...

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    @ironedr No you're right though. A cashless society and no associating with others will certainly be interesting
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    @ironedr I completely agree with you, except for using teachers as an example. Teaching can be automated, sure, but teachers can't (until we get strong AI, fine) - they are there to lead you the way and support you. Sadly I haven't seen even one teacher like that yet, so I guess yeah, most of them can be safely exchanged with automated systems either way. Isn't that basically what we have now as all the online courses that got so popular in the last few years?

    And if you want to know how it feels to be on the other side - remember that software development automatisation is very much possible too, at least for the common and simple tasks. This may sound futuristic right now, but I think we devs can be endangered of losing jobs too in a few dozens of years.
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    @phrix32 well we lost our only chance to see if it actually works and get it more widespread when it didn't pass the vote in Switzerland. I was so sad when I heard about this 😣
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    @AlmightyBaka @phrix32 we are slowly moving into a world where humans need not apply... https://youtu.be/7Pq-S557XQU
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    Is it just me? But I see all this differently. Yes, lot of the jobs we do can and will be replaced by machines. But that doesn't make us redundant. We are adaptable people, if history has shown us anything we adapt to changing situations rapidly. If the jobs started to be replaced by machines then we will move to more transcended jobs.

    Consider basic situation, like agriculture which requires mediocre skill level is already mechanized, what happened? The population which was dedicating themselves for agriculture job moved to something bigger and better to do.

    There will always be someone who spent their life doing one thing and one thing only and that could be difficult thing for them, but it is the next generation which will see and adapt and change. Maybe towards more to creative branches or research branches.

    The dwarf standing on shoulder of giant. Imagine without all that tech, we would be simplistic hunter and farmer without much time left to do anything else.
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