
Any body used Magento (e-commerce CMS) does it worth learning?

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    As a laravel lover I would suggest laravel. They got a sub package for ecommerce and gives u more control over your own logic
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    Please don't. I feel like magento is dying.
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    I looked at it a couple of times and it's a monster. It seemed really difficult to do ANYTHING and the admin/config section is huge. It's also very demanding in terms of servers, I think.
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    Run away...
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    if you really want a e-commerce, build your own. Laravel does have a plugin called Laravel Cashier which is a fluent interface for stripe and Braintree billing services. More info at https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/...
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    @chrisx84 I think that's terrible advice - but I'm a jaded JS developer who is tired of everyone rolling their own when there already exist many pre-built options.

    There are SO many ways to do e-commerce. None of them perfect, all requiring some work and management. But the idea of building a custom solution and covering all aspects that the available solutions already cover is frightening beyond belief.
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