But they did not know

  • 34
    Use MD5 instead ;)
  • 30
    Base64 encoding plain text is the way to go!
  • 28
    Use a Caesar cipher!
  • 8
    Give them access to your credentials DB!
  • 14
    Double ROT13!
  • 20
    So, after one OP about SHA-1 and one follow-up about MD5, the thread switched from hashes to ciphers. That's cryptic to me...
  • 0
    Lol.. I always get this whenever I test my web app in my local system before deploying into the prod server.
  • 0
    Can someone tell me how sha 1 is weak in short? Thanks.
  • 2
    @timekeeper Its just a hash and not encryption. Plus its been cracked like a thousand times over by now.
  • 4
    Google recently managed to find algorithmically a collision, i.e X and Y such that sha1(X) == sha1(Y).
  • 1
    The middle finger 🖕 is universally known in any language, that's what they are doing in the end ;)
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