How many milion $ ideas have you started and not finished because you couldn't build everything yourself and if you have asked someone to join he asked for money straight ahead? :D At least designers were cheap before, now they ask 50$ for a singe item.

  • 5
    How do you know they were million dollar ideas at all?
  • 1
    If the really believe in your idea they might do it for a promise of future payback but if they doubt your million $ idea they of cause want to get payed up front.

    If you believe in the idea that much, why are you not prepared to stand all the risk?

    The number of failed million $ ideas could pave a way from earth to Alpha Centauri.

    So if the want pay ip front it means you have failed to convince them of the value of your idea which either means you need to get better at marketing or the idea might not really be a million $ idea.

    I have been “offered” the chance to help out with million $ ideas but it always involves working for free and even when they do get someone else to do it none of them ever got anything going.
  • 1
    Here's a billion dollar idea.

    Create a website where other developers can go and share their code with the world in an open source format.

    I'm a fucking genius!

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