
When's the last time you've had to write raw SQL? Can you consider yourselves SQL experts even though you only use it through ORM's?

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    Often, we write migrations all the time. ORM doesn't replace sql knowledge, not to mention, when I worked with Sprint and Hibernate we still wrote native queries instead of HQL for a lot of things. We're only using postgres, so I guess database awareness wasn't a problem
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    Yesterday. One off queries to get stats of what's in the db etc
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    Except for migrations or code impl, I stick to the command-line. SQL is definitely more ubiquitous. You can run it on a remote server without display, quickly import it in tools like phpMyAdmin and you don't need a REPL and data analysts use raw SQL too sometimes.
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    Using only orms does not make you an SQL expert.
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    My current day job is 90% SQL, it's going to be odd going to a role that barely touches it
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    You can't be a SQL expert if you can't write a simple query, no way. ORM usage doesn't count, you'd just be an expert at the ORM you're using.

    Fwiw, I think all devs these days should be able to at least craft basic queries. You might not need it daily, but if you actually want to check what's in the db at any point, or get to the point where your orm won't cover your arse, you'd be pretty stuck otherwise.
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    I used to write SQL then I took an arrow to the knee.. I mean I became a frontend focused dev working with aspi:s so I never do it.

    Now I haven't written any SQL in years and removed it entirely from my resume.
    I think I know some stuff about how to structure a query but since I can't recall of the top of my head to do even the most basic query I'd say I'm at level zero.
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    @jiraTicket It'll probably come back to you if you need it quite quickly, but I think you're wise to remove it - otherwise you'll find someone will call you out on it and ask questions in an interview.
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    select * from TABLE where ID=1, yw

    I'm in the same situation for riding a bike. I haven't done it in years but know I'd be up to speed in 5 seconds.

    So I wouldn't consider it lvl 0 if after reading a doc for 2min you can pick it back up. Lots of recruiters just search for keywords, so removing it will scratch DB dev jobs at first screening ;)
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