How does one ask for a raise without sounding desperate or an asshole?

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    When talking to your client directly : yeah that tweaking will be done, but can u talk my boss into promoting me , I will give u additional services for the next 1 month and won't charge it"
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    My understanding is that you usually do that during interviews and performance reviews.

    But just talk to your boss about it if you can't wait for that. It's an awkward​ topic but it's their job to give raises. Remember that if you're a good developer, you will have grown since your last raise, you will have developed your skills and you'll therefore be worth more money.
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    Find a better paying job.
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    I'll be interested to see what others answer as well. I tend to come off rather pushy & bring up wanting more money every chance I get. I'm not sure it's a very effective strategy overall.

    Has anyone taken any of the formal classes or workshops about techniques for asking for a raise or finding a better-paying job? I've often wondered if they are worth the money (most are rather pricey) or are just a hand-wavy, double-talking waste of time.
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