OK trust me, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO. NOT. TRY TO DO ANYTHING ON A COMPUTER WHEN YOU HAVE SMALLER SIBLINGS, my baby brother has broken my PC monitor, my laptop screen, my phone, and hell, I'm desperate to the point of jailbreaking my Nintendo switch, witch he almost broke already, I'm typing this on my school laptop BTW.

  • 2
    Baby beats.
  • 6
    maybe it's time to start declaring boundaries!
  • 2
    Lock your room where you keep all your Gadgets. They shouldn't use them at this stage anyway
  • 1
    Put your shit away when you aren't using it. My teen siblings leave their laptops wherever they stop using it, no wonder the younger ones break everything. Laptops in a drawer, phone in the pocket, bag or drawer, auxiliary monitor for laptop on the top of a shelving unit when you aren't using it. The only situation where you can skip this (and where it's feasible to own a desktop) is if you have a separate room and either it's lockable or you have enough authority to keep them out at all times, no exceptions.
  • 1
    Living with young children and objects of high value density requires a certain self-discipline, but it's not at all difficult if the appropriate procedures are followed.
  • 5
    RFID collars / BT collars with approximation alarm

    ... Though parents don't like for some mysterious reason the idea.
  • 1
    Not to sound rude but you are the careless one dude!
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM electric collars.
  • 0
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