
Hey technosapiens 👋
Do you maintain any notebook or something to write codes?
Or Do you use notion for the same?
What are some best ways to use both notebooks means hard copies & soft copies to write algorithms or maintain notes or understanding the stuffs ?

  • 5
    Writing code on paper? Incredibly tedious. Prefer gists or a private repo with all the code in it instead. Notion is pretty bloated and slow, plus doesn't work great for modifying and tracking code.

    Algorithm notes? I guess using a notebook or whatever method you like is reasonable. My preferred way is writing it out in LaTeX. Looks pretty, can be versioned.
  • 2
    I used to jot down notes and draft high level process flows in a notebook, but ended up replacing that with a small whiteboard,

    Best investment ever.

    Once I'm happy with the drafted flow of things Ill then recreate it in Visio.

    Although Jira/confluence is a bloated PITA, it's where everyone puts everything anyway 🤷‍♂️
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    I use random text files in ~/documents which is synced via Mega. I make paper-based notes for maths which also includes the more abstract part of programming, but usually I prefer nonstandard pseudocode or some textual encoding of relations, eg. UML diagrams I usually represent with a messed up text format.
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    I sometimes find it helpful to physically draw out blocks to picture high level architecture & algorithmic approaches in my head - but that's often on a whiteboard rather than in a notepad. Beyond that I rarely physically write things these days, just jot it down in the nearest text editor if I really need to.

    That's just me though! If keeping a physical notebook handy that you jot stuff in works for you, then go for it!
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    I usually write code in note-taking app for designing programing languages or to describe the API if it is a library. For visual stuff I draw on good ol' paper, plus some information on what it is, what it does, and features.
  • 1
    for interesting Code problems use snippets in your editor. For understanding explaining, write a blog post on your own website.
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