
the moment when you say fuck this functionality and let’s get rid of this 15 screens and replace them with simply point and click and they say but google did it like we wanted… Well google is valued trillion dollars and we are valued nothing. If you want this shit pay million to some developer so he would do one thing and deliver this…ok it’s not needed, fucking 12+ years making startups and delivering projects and still need to deal with morons who say google did it, yeah ask them to develop some functionality for you and fuck you too… I saved you year of work you morons and you fucking complain, dude you need to start selling your products and I want to enable it to you, if you don’t understand that shit then fuck you…

  • 1
    Last time in my life I’m helping someone to deliver. They would say - but it was so easy - I would get a storke and they would complain that I got sick and nothing is done. Well I’m giving this project 3 months and rm - rf afterwards. Fuck them if they can’t appreciate good stuff.
  • 5
    @vane there is this old mandatory car analogy,

    “A man complaints over the price of a repair, $100, saying: it only took you 5 min and you only seemed to turn a screw.

    The tech then wrote a new bill.

    Turning screw $1, knowing which screw $99.”

    I mean its a bit worn out but it still holds true. Unless the job it literally trivial we do not pay for the time but for the knowledge.

    If money was the most important and they had unlimited time an nothing else to spend it on they could have learned to do it them self but apparently they think their time is more valuable doing something else.
  • 4
    @vane, a couple centuries ago lots of people that had just arrived in this newfangled startup called "America" would say something like "in old country cabbage was for rich men only", but *some* kind of people would say "in France we needed not stupid soap".

    Well, nowadays lots of newcomers in most software based companies say something like "brah, in my previous company we did, like, x". However, *some* type of newcomers say something that sounds like:
    - "In Google, we, I'm mean, when I used to work for Google, before you guys begged me to come disrupt your company, (because I worked for Google), Google invented the absolute best form of doing X, that is doing Y, bundle-selling X+Y+Z and offering to upsell migration services and training"

    My point being, people like to thing they are top dog for having been previously in a famous, powerful place. So they try to put it in a freaking pedestal and devaluate everyone and everything else. It also applies to universities. I just ignore it
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