
I'm all for alternative methods of learning but this post on FreeCodeCamp is total bollocks.

How does someone take and complete a class in data structures in one week?


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    Depends on how you learn, how much you study, and your own personal drive. Look at his schedule. I'm in college and I sure as fuck don't study as hard or as long as he does. 1 hour twice a day each weekday, then 6 and 4 hours on a weekend? He's insane, but it works for him. He has some videos on freecodecamp's YouTube, and he has it down pat it seems. Also, he took other courses through his degree, so it's not super surprising that he understood the data structures that quick.
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    "I completed all the coursework necessary to earn a second Bachelor’s degree [...], in less than six months." While working ? Seriously ? Wtf ?
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    @GarreauArthur My sentiment exactly. I question the quality of education he actually got.
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    @iam13islucky ok so what you're telling me is that if someone studied data structures for a week only they'd be able to explain and implement all basic data structures?

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    Maybe that man is a genius and I will respect him for that. But a Bachelor Degree in 6 Months? WTF?

    Maybe that guy understands programm languages very well like English.

    I'm here and struggeling with coding C++ a Paradox searchengine. Im questioning myself "where did I go wrong?"

    If it's true, then that man can be happy with it, but I cant trust this story without proof 😉
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