
Figuring out how to cheat games is more fun than playing games themselves...

Especially mobile games where you need to watch ads to play or get rewards...

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    Adblocker is the cheat mechanism here?
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    @asgs no, editing the $$ values so I can buy stuff that you usually need to grind and watch ads for
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    @donuts you are editing the config stored by the app? Is it that insecure?
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    @asgs usually no but that's what rooting is for.... Can access "secure" partitions so can change the configs of other apps

    Most mobile games have text based save files, literally an xml with map of values, vs binary ones.

    And that's actually the last option if the first doesn't work: finding and Editing the memory values
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    iOS + adblocker (app level) + shitty app mechanisms that don't actually check == $$$
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    @donuts hah. Such values should be validated with the remote server but I can understand how naive some Devs could be
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    @C0D4 like pretend to play ads?

    Actually what I did after on Android was run a patcher app to disable the ads... Which makes it a bit more fun as a casual time killer...
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    @asgs well for online games where the save file is remote ya... Though some modders still can hack the game and give like invincibility.

    Though for online games you'd easily get banned...
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