

How do you deal with open space offices?

I find it quite difficult to focus, the constant chatting, the constant questions, phone ringing, surprise meeting, more question, arrays of interruptions and questions again. I believe I would be a lot more productive if left alone in the total, undiscontinued silence.

Have you found your escape, your zen, your inner focus? Please share, I need some ideas

  • 12
    Headphones solve most of it.
  • 2
    I agree. Very hard to focus. With open-spaces engineer productivity has seriously decreased..
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    @w0ble headphones, although not banned, are actually not appreciated by company policy
  • 3
    @-eth it's like they want you to work at 25% efficiency. Quit your job. ;)
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    They can not force you not to have headphones.
  • 1
    headphones. and a bad attitude. Make sure they understand that they interupting something important. oh, and keep an axe under your table.
  • 3
    You can get pink noise or sound ambiances like cafe or something like that. With the café sounds you get much less sensitive to chatting around you.
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    @magicMirror tried with bad attitude, HR intervened for poor performance because my performance was measured in behaviour and attitude towards colleagues and departments (too). I never said 'no' , never a bad word, never a 'just fucking do it yourself'. Nonetheless, reported for "non-collaborative behaviour" for I was not happy to meet everyone who kept interrupting me.
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    @poqudrof I'll give it a try, thanks
  • 2
    I'd quit, man. In my company, even though it's open space, everyone can use headphones and even drink. Yes, drinking (not excessively though haha) is allowed. I would never settle for less.
  • 4
    @-eth In that case I would explain to HR the problem by using some dilbert strips, and tell them that in order to complete my work, I need my coworkers to not interupt me all the time. If they say that it is not possible, make them put that in writing, and send to your boss, to explain why you cannot complete your assigned tasks. If the boss has a problem, report him to HR for negative behavior.
  • 0
    @magicMirror that's sounds fair enough
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    Headphones and Spotify
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    Headphones and Twitch. And everytime I move to another room everyone ask me why I play games at work. After explaining every single one that I don't play, just watch (and ofc why do I watch it) they give me that "what a weirdo" look. Then they tend not to interrupt me if not really needed :D
  • 1
    @blem14 Is watching game streams at work not incredibly distracting?
  • 0
    @Grundeir well, it might be sometimes, when you watch it for real. Most of the time it just sits in corner of my 2nd screen and I listen to streamer's speech, eventually it will become just some sort of "white noise" while I focus on something else. I'm so used to it that I can't focus when it's not on, even if there is complete silence.
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