
CSS was pain until I met SASS. Does actually anyone use just CSS in their projects?

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    Yes. Always. For the projects I do, a css pre-processor would not be of great benefit. Its only a matter of time before variables are supported in CSS making pre-processors largely redundant. Their good for brieser prefixes though.
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    i use http://stylus-lang.com/ because i'm lazy and don't like to type too much.

    hey by the way....
    did you read about the new css custom properties (variables)? what do you guys think about it?

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    I am new to web development and I didn't know that something like preprocessing existed :D
    thx for sharing, sounds legit to me :)
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    @strider SASS actually has two ways of writing CSS: SASS and SCSS. I prefer SCSS.
    Here's a comparison of the two syntaxes, and some info on what SASS can do: http://sass-lang.com/guide
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    @helloworld I'd use a preprocessor just to be able to write nested styles in stead of having to type out classnames a gazillion times.
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    @JTBringe ++ for nesting rules, as well as functions or mixins. Makes it also easier to create "object-oriented" styling. Just need to be careful with specificity though
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    I prefer writing my own CSS, but I haven't had to work on anything giant. I can see how preprocessors can come in handy.
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    post-css is all you need but if i had to choose then it would be LESS because is the closest to CSS.
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    Yeah, I also use LESS, since it is so close to original CSS notation.
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    @helloworld do your projects have to support older browsers? variables might be supported in CSS soon, but lots of projects need at least ie11 support 😯😯
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    @JTBringe thx for the info :)
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    @SamOrSomething if you have to support older browsers, check out www.postcss.org like @nblackburn sugested. It's plugins polyfill many things.
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    Yeah I've seen that used in live applications.
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    PostCSS all the way. Write as much future vanilla CSS as possible, transpile using plugins, remove plugins when support becomes wide enough.

    SCSS and LESS are good at abstracting complexity with all the loops, ifs and thens, which I believe is not a good thing at all. How's writing less and outputting more ever a good thing?
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    @w0ble I wish i'd have said that.
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    @heyheni I try, but working a corporate environment as a junior, i can't change the process xD
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