My first programming job started at a fairly small gamming company. We were pretty close because we were so small and sometimes jokes were a bit too personal. Anyway, during my 3 months probation period, the team lead invited the whole company at his house for a party. Long story short, I got wasted, and when the CEO arrived I went to him and told him something like: Yo dawg, let's drink, don't be a pu**y. The sad part is that I cannot remember doing that and apparently I shouted outloud. I had some pretty interesting meetings the next days. Came too close to being fired 😅.

  • 15
    Problem with small companies - it's easy to become too familiar! I've had the exact t same issue bro.
  • 7
    @codingsKILLS in my defense, the guy told all of us when we first met him that he is really open and we can go out for beer and so on. Also I had just finished college so I was quite accustomed to parties and drinking 😆
  • 2
    Haha! Yeah, we all like to seem casual and laid back! My boss was exactly the same! Can't wait to be my own boss, then I can get drunk and say whatever I like ;)
  • 0
    Are you by any chance at Doodle Blue?
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