Windows obviously did a secret selective poll on what percentage of their users use dates and times.

  • 0
    I don't get it. What am i supposed to be seeing here?
  • 6
    @penguin What's the time... Where's the time ;-;
    I can still change all of my date and time settings in the settings menu
  • 0
    @Hobgoblin101 Oh ok, sorry I don't use windows much...
  • 0
  • 3
    Second monitor...?
  • 0
    @wafflesauce I only just realized that it is gone too ;-;

    I swear I didn't through a stone!!!
    (Glass houses / windows)
  • 0
    @wafflesauce I re-enabled my second task bar, and now I have date time on the second monitor but still not on the main.

    Also the second bar only has apps that are open and time, no volume, no network, no nothing.

    Still I have time :D
    Just... incorrectly positioned
  • 1
    @Hobgoblin101 yyyyeeaaahhh... I've yet to completely figure out how taskbar stuff distributes across monitors in W10. I've mostly given up. Bring on the holo displays!
  • 3
    Who uses dates and times anyways...
  • 2
    I use Date & multiple time zones myself. Surely there's a way to get it back there?
  • 3
  • 2
    In the corner of my eye I keep on thinking I see a time, but when I look it isn't there...
  • 0
    What's time anyway? I mean if it's gone there's nothing you can do about it.
  • 0
    @jAsE I can't tell if your being ironic, but I hope so.
    Or do you really not see a problem with an enterprise grated OS not being able to display time on the first monitor, and thus requiring a second monitor?
  • 1
    @jAsE "you fucking stupid sons of fucking" heh?
  • 0
    @thescandar oh
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