
When everyone on YouTube has interfaces that definitely do NOT appear to you :/
I was supposed to create my pixel, give it a cute lil name and then test events ( Facebook ).
But NOOO ofc I would get a ton of issues in the process, everyone is able to connect their pixels safely but it took Facebook more than what, 4 days now ? To kindly inform me that:
Server external ID not matching to pixel external ID
You're sending the external_ID parameter for your PageView event from your server, but you're not sending the external_ID parameter for this event from your pixel. If you send external_ID for an event from your server, you must send it from your pixel as well in order for that event to be valid.
How am I even supposed to know how to fix that ! I just started learning programming, the only thing I know how to do is use Linux and write a ciao mundo C program. Now my store was supposed to be launched a week ago and I am still looking for solutions to this. Ugh.

  • 2
    Sounds more like a 'selfish' problem...

    Instead of hiring a dev or someone who can program, cut the cost and do it yourself because how hard can it be right ?
  • 2
    It's because I'm a newbie I try and try and try and sometimes I do manage to crack stuff and understand what went wrong and how to fix it but other times like now I am stuck. Ur right, it'd better to seek help / hire a dev.
  • 2
    @chihala And that is also good and you need to continue doing that.

    But sometimes, you will get problems that you cannot solve.

    I am pretty sure that the explanation from Facebook is correct.

    Because you lack the skills, does not mean that the process is bad or wrong. Accept it, put your mind into something else and try again tomorrow.
  • 3
    Why would you want facebook Pixel?
  • 0
    @jonas-w I set up a website on Shopify and Facebook pixel basically helps optimize ads and build targeted audiences
  • 5
    Nobody needs Facebook shit for a fucking store. The whole point of a store is to sell shit as business model, not spying on users with ad crap.

    Everything else, see the webserver logfiles. Done.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop I am just targeting my audience why set ads randomly when I can target those who I know have a higher chance of buying ?
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