
Scala lang is hard to learn(not saying that sucks), but first I don't want to learn this language, I just wanted to use some functions for a hobby project and this project I found on internet had all I need so I just wanted to translate it to Python, using an online Scala compiler I pasted the functions I needed anddddd error can't compile it it, because the functions had some extra things that were not part in the file where functions were, these things check for null values(?) so I was looking into the project where these "keywords" comes from and I can't find it, so after some grep in the project files I found the "keyword" I was able to compile it, also I weird thing about this language is that there is no return keyword

So yes I find this lang not that intuitive (for me at least)

  • 4
    It takes ideas from functional languages in that all blocks return the last expression executed. Erlang and elixir is similar.
  • 9
    How about learning to use full stops in the natural language first? :)
  • 1
    in rust you can use the return keyword or the last element without a semicolon will be returned. i was sceptical at first, but with how rust works, this proved actually pretty useful.

    if i'd be in your shoes, i probably would have moved past python long ago. It is pretty good for rapid prototyping, but building software that is actually not sluggish/slow to use, is pain.
  • 0
    I realized that Scala is definitely not the holy grail it is claimed to be, over Java. Read this
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