The more people watching, the fancier the code gets

  • 18
    Add more verbose var names and you got it right
  • 2
    @juzles funnily enough, I like my verbose variable names, but get persuaded into using less so at work.
  • 4
    All my friends ask me why use verbose names. Idk because, it's more readable and the almost all IDEs have code completion features.
  • 1
    @daveslater @PraveenKishore and you mostly write once, and spend much more time on staring at code and reading afterwards
  • 2
    @juzles haha, no, my favourite bit is when I don't do something right away because it's obvious af, but then impossible to remember wtf you wanted to do... Especially when coupled with the ironic attempt at reminding myself with vague comments like "yeah, this twat"... Cmfao
  • 2
    Yea that comment part is so true!😂
    When I write the comments, I be like "I'm a good programmer, I always write comments. This should be enough for later". A few days later, when I open it, "hmm... What the damn was I thing to do" and my next few mins goes to figuring out what it was 😂
  • 1
    Nope, when people are watching my mind turns blank and I stop writing
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