You know 💩 got serious, when you type 50+ line of codes in nano editor.

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    Nano is my #1 editor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    I like nano. Starting up atom or sublime is too much work!
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    Are you serious 😂?
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    I use nano all de time, specially if I need to fix something and only have a phone to type.
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    @Olverine I have sublime pinned on my taskbar, it takes no time at all. I do agree with you on Atom though.
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    Nah, that's nothing. 50+ is nothing man. Especially not in nano.

    Try using ed for 8 hours with over 5000+, or joe for the whole project.

    I cringe when I cannot use vi, but joe is still usable.

    Nothing compares to you vi. When I say vi and there are women around, they think I'm talking about my girlfriend. Jokes of them, because I don't have one.
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    @Codebeard I wrote my final degree project in Latex using Joe. Still fond of Joe, but I've never used it again.
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    @jordinebot Yeah Joe is like that, he becomes easy to forget once you discover something else. For me it was Vivian or vi for short.
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