
Something that really annoys me is when people abuse the lax semicolon rules in JavaScript. Personally I believe semicolons should be a standard and always used in a language like JavaScript, and while the loose rule on semicolons may be considered convenient when one is forgotten every now and then, it is /not/ meant to be abused and semicolons completely unused. It's particularly annoying when I have to work on a group repo at work and the standard is to not use semicolons. JavaScript to me is much more similar to a C style language than something like Python, so even though the language is built to be loose and easy conventions such as bracket scoping and semicolons should be kept and practiced.

  • 0
    Gives me conniptions.
  • 2
    Uhm, I personally use the NPM coding style (https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/...), which does explicitly say not to use semicolons except if they're necessary.
  • 1
    Yeah me too... I am a visual person. Occasionally I can tell that something is off, without knowing what exactly it is. Having a difinitive structure helps me to pinpoint the problem instead of being distracted by the uneven use of elements.
  • -1
    Fuck semicolons in JS. ASI makes them nothing more than obsolete noise and they need to fuck off and die this very instant, together with double quotes
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