
Is anyone else dealing with AD(H)D in university or while working as an software engineer. I’ve been diagnosed 3 years ago and I’m still trying to find a way to keep my focus. I start a new project every week without finishing it. Medication helps but not for 100%
Does anyone else experience the same or do you have any tips?

  • 5
    My mentor has it and my father and sister do (I have a few of the characteristics). I'd say it's a blessing and a cruse for Dev jobs - finding a workflow that works for your brain is important
  • 3
    So much diagnosed people on dr. Damn
  • 4
    Not in university but also don't have any tips, other than do what you like and you will hyperfocus on it so much that your ADHD can be blessing
  • 6
    in my experience, any "tips" only last so long. you eventually get used to reminders, post its, planners etc. id try everything out organically and change when it stops working. your brain needs stimulation college probably won't give you.

    these are some channels i like to watch from time to time:

    How to ADHD - talks a lot from experience, shares good tips

    Dr Tracey Marks - she has some videos on adhd, i think the tips are really spot on

    Clutterbug - shares cleaning and organizing tips, she has ADHD as well
  • 6
    find a team structure where you can use it to your advantage. if you're good at starting projects but bad at finishing them, maybe find a workflow where you conceptualise and plan the project, lay down the groundwork, and then pass it on to someone else to finish while you still guide them whenever they have questions
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    @darksideofyay Thankyou i will check jt out :)
    Yeah tips won’t work for everyone i was just curious if anyone else hear was dealing with it as well
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    @tosensei My projects are mostly personal projects that i work on after my classes/work. But thanks for the feedback
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    Just spent the last 5 months procrastinating instead of asking for a different prescription (previous meds weren't working), you tell me
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