
a shell oneliner periodically checking devrant's availability and sending me a notification when it starts working.

  • 2
    Haha, really? Can you share the line bash God?
  • 1
    @retoor He is selling it this evening at auction so grab a seat and take your chance
  • 5
    No wonder devRant went down
  • 5
    http://devrant.com";codebr /> url="http://devrant.com";code=; while :; do code=$(curl -siLk "${url}" -w'%{http_code}' --connect-timeout 5 -m 5 --output /dev/null); echo; date; echo "${code}"; if [ "${code}" = 200 ] ; then zenity --info --text 'DevRant alive!'; break; else sleep 5; continue; fi; done
  • 5
    @MammaNeedHummus he deff DDOS-ed it to stay longer down, so he can do some work done ;}
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus next time he plans to bring down SO so we can chill more here, that's why he asked that question on his other rant ;}
  • 0
    Man, I'm all for RSS. But status? Meh.
  • 3
    @vintprox when dR is down and you can't reach it, status lets you know when to create the 'OMG dR was down!!!' post
  • 1
    @netikras haha, as I figured.
  • 3
    Funny thing is that it actually went down on ++ing your rant. What a timing. Was a short outrage fortunately.
  • 1
    @vintprox syndication yes. RSS hell no, that is a fucked standard. Please only ever use Atom; if only for the same time format.

    Status pages on API driven services (as in relying on it for other Devs not for open clients) are nice. Don't think it really adds value on DevRant indeed. (Except for the OMG 😱 posts of course)
  • 0
    @netikras now you need to automate the "dR down!!" posting as well
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