
All these "IT pros" that is constantly telling others to use ChatGPT is making me cringe.
They are basically saying that themselves are to dumb to understand or think by themselves

  • 7
    It is useful. It is like programmer using google instead of reading oh-so-great and getting bashed…

    Get with the times bro.
  • 6
    well, then I guess I'm too dumb to understand/think by myself. Thanks for the eyes-opening explanation :)
  • 6
    I like the idea of a chatbot solving complex issues, but it's a language model not a code model.

    It's also proud and willing to provide incorrect information just to be able to answer the question.

    Any dev who uses chatGPT and doesn't validate its answers are probably not worth calling a dev anyway.
  • 3
    @ostream this will also be the last in this direction :)
  • 1
    hey, remember: they're just another breed of influencer.
  • 3
    @ostream IMO it's foolish to undermine ChatGPT's capability to be a complementary source of information to traditional search engines.
  • 1
    "10 AI tools to prevent you from getting lukemia and going to the seventh circle of hell ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿงต๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒ•"
  • 1
    I see it like this: As it gives you an exact answer to your specific problem (assuming it's right) it's no better than asking your IT bro for every issue you have with your system instead of trying for one second to solve it on your own. I find gpt most useful to learn specific features of any language, like reading out files, without having to crawl through the documentation.
  • 0
    Idk, maybe try chatgpt to solve that issue?
  • 1
    @C0D4 pure cringium, defining “dev” standards as a midrange nobody. Ah sorry, small forum celebrity ๐Ÿ˜‚
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    @ostream i am sure you are not touching internet bruh.
  • 0
    Chatgpt is so underrated. I feel it has made a big break on AI advancement.
  • 3
    All these "IT pros" constantly telling others to use Google and StackOverflow are making me cringe.

    They are basically saying that they are too dumb to RTFM or think by themselves.
  • 1

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    Yeah it is great with giving wrong information
  • 0
    @aviophile wait, I'm a celebrity? #lifeGoals ๐Ÿฅฒ

    No, honestly though, it's an overrated chatbot that's been completely incorrect more times than it's not for anything beyond "how to write a for loop in <language>"

    I see it's potential, and how these LLM's could drive efficiency with writing code, "but", it's far from ready to be much use currently.

    Also, this has the averse affect of creating a generation of devs who don't know how to RTFM and literally copy/pasta what ever garbage is spat out, I doubt most people in this thread right now take the first google result regardless of how right/wrong it is and just flys with it.
  • 1
    @C0D4 because fucking manuals written by that library developers for other library developers. Fucking manuals were never easy to understand, it is why there are millions of programming books are written and hundreds of forums exist.

    ChatGPT is absolutely useful for popular languages that’s for sure. Like cpu caching hit and miss, i am experimenting with chatgpt first, forums later, then manuals approach and it is efficient for me.
  • 1
    I don't have anything against using it, but it requires a lot of corrections when it comes down to code!

    Copy/pasting shit it spits is almost the same as copy/pasting the whole first stackoverflow answerto your question without adapting it to your use case!

    Its just an imperfect tool, like hammer, but if the hammer is all you got you start perceiving all your problems as nails!
  • 0
    Your mistake is listening to them. It is the same numbsacks who were pontificating how web3 and nft is going to change the world.
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