
Last month, I learnt Docker via the 1 hour crash course of the YouTube video.

Now, I don't remember all the content of that video which made me think that I should start making notes.

I understand the basic fundamentals of the Contanarization and a couple of commands.
But I still feel like I'm lacking the whole picture of the docker.

I wonder what other devs do to learn new tech and also about note taking habit for revisions.

  • 6
    One hour for such a concept is not nearly enough unless you already have a lot of understanding of all the parts.

    I suggest not only taking notes but repeat good videos, the second time you often catch things you missed the first time, but if possible also recreate the exercise on your own setup so you have the code to play with and can test variations.
  • 3
    Docker is just a way to "build it once, ship, and run it the same anywhere" but with caveats.

    Think of it, as creating a mountable tar file, with everything you need included, shipping it, and then mounting + chroot into the mount + running the binary entry point.

    Everything other then that is just... details.
  • 2
    A container ships the environment with the application to simplify deployment and make it repeatable.

    Docker is a tool to build, run, and work with containers.

    Containers are isolated processes, file systems, and networks that run on the same Linux kernel as the host. No virtualization makes it fast and light weight.
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    @lungdart i needed to chuckle on the no virtualization part.


    Is a good read. Very good read.
  • 0
    how we learn new technology?
    by getting our hands dirty.

    i personally do not make notes, i make repos. imho practicing something makes you master a topic.

    if taking notes help you, write a readme on your repos along with a "how to work with this shit" section.
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM Indeed... It was a really deep-dive into the containers concept. Bookmarking it for future
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