
Migrating from opengl to vulkan. In the meanwhile, DevRant, let's talk about Balmers Peak !

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    1) Ballmer peak: I'm no brain chem expert here, but I think it might not be just a pun. Alcohol makes you slower, and less focused. I notice that alcohol makes me unable to react very fast. That means, at least for me, that a small dose renders me unable to react to external stimuli when I am still focused on one tasks. So, basically, I can fully focus on my code without giving a flying fuck about what happens around me. Usually I passively gather whatever conversation, idea, whatever is going on around me and this kicks me out of "zone" very fast.
    2) how is the transition going?
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    I'm always looking for the second balmers peak
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    I found myself usually over-planing stuff in advance, 3 beers fixes that and allows me to focus on the most imminent take.

    Very slow, there are weird behaviours but tests looks good, and it seems better structured than opengl, I think I am at 1/5 the of what I planned to do.
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