
Excited for WW3?

Need a junior developer with drone flight path automation engineering experience. Must have at least 10 years experience.

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    Great job to gain some valuable experience.

    Must have skills

    - Team player.

    - At least 100 field threat-neutralizations

    - Good accuracy on Dota and CS:GO

    - Good stomach and mentally stable.

    - Patriotic values.
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    Would apply because WW3 - but am no patriot.
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    Of course you would make a joke out of it for stupid internet points, while actual men are laying down their lives for it.
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    @ScribeOfGoD that is the point, be aware, take note and try to push for peace agreements, not funnel weapons destabilizing Europe.
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    @Oktokolo CS:GO would do.
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    @iiii depression man, time to make your life interesting man.
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    come with your real id putin
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    @jassole Actually, i don't play CS:GO either.
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    I don't have 10 years of experience but I did something like that 10 years ago

    I hope I'll be able to make solid contributions to the war effort
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    Where weblink?
    I don't count field neutralisations.
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    @jassole your post sounded like putin wants to hire some devs for current pre ww3 with Ukraine
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    @dotenvironment And you sound like a sheeple, who are easy to mislead.
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    @jassole you're on the pro-putin side?
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    @jassole ok, thanks for your sincerety. I just want to know, do you support colonalization of Ukraine by Russia? If so then why? What is the reasoning behind it?

    I'm unaware of the pro-russian side arguements (except some shit about NATO expansion, but i dont know if that justifies colonializing another country, so id like to learn if there are more justifications to the pro-russia side)
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    @bioDan why else? Prove they have the bigger dick. In their mind it justifies a massive drone strike on innocent people
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    @bioDan Same reason they're not truthful who bombed Nordstream and why Assange is in prison. And most people don't bother to really learn. (Like the dim above).

    Crimeans voted for independent referendum to join Russia being historically Russian. Donbas wanted autonomy, minsk agreements were never honoured by Ukr. Ukraine wants to grab Donbas and Crimea violently. If you pay attention to what they say, in their eyes they are willing to liquidate any citizen not just military.

    It is widely known that bringing Ukraine into NATO was redline. On top of that radical elements/nazism were brought into Ukrainian government by violent coup by Nuland. Russia is mostly fighting for survival.

    Selfishly, for me: I don't prefer a unipolar world order. I like balance of power on a geopolitical world, rather than 1 country dominating all nations, forcing its will via sophisticated propaganda techniques.

    Hard to put everything here. But ask if needed on specific points I made.
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    @bioDan https://rumble.com/v2ffzog-world-de...

    Putin made this speech back in 2007, in a conference with neocons, and NATO policy makers. Its very blunt and to the point and gives Russia's POV on Nato expansion, his thoughts recent wars at that time (Serbia, Iraq, Afghan invasions)

    Find me someone who speaks with much clarity as he does. Even quotes US president FDR.

    I'd suggest you give this a listen, to see from his viewport if you are interested in the topic.
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    @jassole do you really believe in the referendum?
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    @iiii yes, I have been following the conflict since like 7 years. But you don't need to believe, just go back 30 years ago, 80 years ago, 100 years ago. Majority of crimeans are ethnically russians.

    Nikita Khrushchev gave Crimea away in 1954. You think those generations of people just gave away their identity?
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    @jassole they are ethnically not Russians at all. And even if they are ethnically Russians, so what? Since when are we subdividing countries by race and not by agreements?
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    @jassole if you're for dividing country by ethnicity then divide your beloved usa because it's not homoethnic in any way
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    @iiii for them it was either die, live under oppressed regime or join Russia. Ukraine was preparing to penetrate Donbas contact lines to slaughter them after several violation of ceasefire agreements. This is a long brewing civil war, before media took one-sided arguments 24/7

    I merely pointed out the more fact why they decided to breakaway from Ukraine. Its right to self-determination as stated in the UN charter.
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    @jassole you're full of idiotic propaganda. There was no natural breakaway, but Russian forces and local few insurgents supported by Russia taking over civilians by force.
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    @iiii Okay you are engaging in bad faith argument because you can't handle the truth, so I am gonna stop engaging with nazi-loving boy.

    As for USA, divisions are more political than ethno-centric
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    @iiii it’s a moot point to discuss anything with him lol. He’s definitely off his meds and likes to talk politics in a place where they’re really not supposed to be talked about anyways. You can see their stance, should tell you all you need to know tbh lol.
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    @ScribeOfGoD yeah, I see that. Have met a few of those ridiculous ignorant Americans before. Strangely enough all such weirdos are Americans
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    @iiii yeah, we’re a weird bunch for sure. World laughing stock means global power house to some people I guess lol
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    @ScribeOfGoD That's why you are scared as a pussy because both of you who have pathetic lives going for themselves (one admits other one not sure).

    I spread influence and you are scared of that and you come in here to spread disinformation because of your incapability to argue rationally.

    Are you both done sucking each other off? xD
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    @iiii let's make one thing clear.

    While we all like to be sympathetic to someone in depression. In reality we are just virtue signalling. They are very poor decision makers and nobody would like to be around them because they are a negative energy.

    Aka depressive man = weak man

    Weak man creates hard times for everyone, so stay in your lane eh?
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    @bioDan "I'm unaware of the pro-russian side arguements (except some shit about NATO expansion"

    is a meme argument. Kind of like how one side or the other will make an argument and then share it on 'the other side' to make the other side look foolish. If russia wasn't dangerous, the follow on thinking goes, then it wouldn't oppose nato expansion.

    Neverminding that, the actual reason that russia gives for its invasion is because russian citizens of ukraine we're being bombed/killed by u.s.-backed forces since 2014.

    And now you know the argument both sides are making.
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    @Wisecrack WW3 is the ultimate supreme court. Trial by combat to settle the argument once and for all, for these deniers. Wonder if libs even show up at the battlefield.
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    @jassole ww3 is a hoax.

    if it happened, it would be on the shores of britain or the u.s. itself this time.

    The big three, china, russia, and the u.s. are too busy pretending to fight, while carving up and selling off defenseless smaller proxies.

    Thats all the shit we've been seeing since all the way back in ww2, bombed vietnam flat, korea, afghanistan, south america all so we could have cheap dole fruit cup yogurts.

    Them damn fruit yogurt cups.

    It's pure evil.
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    @ScribeOfGoD "make a joke of it, while men lay down their lives."

    But ScribeOfGod, *life itself* is a joke.

    How can it not be, when reality is so absurd and hyperreal and men die for so little?
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    @Wisecrack What's mostly said about China, and to most extent Russia is mostly propaganda, ie projection by the US-led side. I used to be a victim of this, ra-ra mentality. I haven't seen Chinese going 1000s of miles outside their country, setting up a military base and then carrying out their operations, which the US does.

    No doubt they are all big powers. but US is currently the one trying to prevent emergence of new powers that will come close to it, uses both information (propaganda) and military domain to achieve their goals
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    @jassole "

    No doubt they are all big powers. but US is currently the one trying to prevent emergence of new powers that will come close to it, "

    Every nation would and could do this were they in the position of the u.s.

    Something about how power hierarchies tend to act as filters that elevate psychopaths.

    iron law of oligarchy and all that jazz.

    no really.
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    @Wisecrack That's the argument of John Mearsheimer in his "The tragedy of great power politics", who famously predicted this war.

    Though I greatly respect him, I don't agree with his views on this matter. Powers could exercise great restraint like Russia has shown. I've watched hours of interviews and speeches by Putin, he's quite honest about what he thinks about NATO, military as being last resort, balancing powers geopolitically, warned of its consequences several times and doesn't speak in empty diplomatic terms.

    But a USSR style dissolution/collapse of US would be great benefit for all countries. That would be dream bursting event for shitlibs but necessarily. We are already seeing fizzles and cracks of that. More than half of the world isn't aligned with the tantrums of the west.
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    @jassole you forget, the ussr killed tens of millions of people.

    there are no clean hands here, and thats exactly what I'm trying to say.

    there is no innocent "i was walking along one day, bluejays flying next to me, as I whistled and chewed gum and then I was attacked."

    It's not that simple.

    There are problems with the u.s. losing. Like how mistreat the citizens of nations that lose. And trust me, you don't want to be the citizens of a nation that lose a world war, even if you believe we deserve it.

    The cruelty of victory doesn't have a mechanical gauge on it that says where the line is, and whats over the line.

    Unfortunately you gotta make sure to win, even if you don't think your nation deserves it, even if you believe your nation is would be better off losing one as a lesson.

    It's about what position you're in when that defeat comes. Thats the difference between destruction and retreating to lick wounds and learn the lesson that needs learned.
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    In other words, unfortunately america hasn't had the hubris beat out of us enough to learn humility yet.

    Thats ancillary to the discussion of russia vs ukraine of course, because that war isn't really between russia and america, but a war between britain, china, and russia with ukraine as the battleground, but I digress.
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    @Wisecrack I don't disagree, there is truth to that.

    A strange thing I noticed amongst most russians, are most of them aren't angered at west despite the demonization of entirety of Russia in the West but rather sympathetic. They see a lot of parallels in the history but on different timelines. I've yet to research more on Bolshevism.

    As they compare the current radical culture changes/liberalism in the late 20s, similar to trotsky led - bolshevism which eventually caused their downfall. Vicktor Bout, Dugin especially the latter echoes this on length. Humility incoming....
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