
I'm so happy with my full stack basic test web application made with: raspberrypi, uwsgi,nginx,python3,flask,sqlite3,render_template,html
I have 2 pages:
/users where I can see the whole users table and filter by id
/insertuser (in the image) where I can add an user to the table users

  • 2
    hahaha that username... keep it up man!
  • 2
    Congratulations on your first full stack web app 😁
  • 5
    Why do you have a field in your form for the id? Set the id column to auto increment, so the db will just assign the next free id. That way you won't run into issues, where you try to assign an id, that's allready used. (Oh and make the username an unique field in your db, if you haven't done it already)
  • 1
    @Wack I know all of those refinements ;) I was just trying to make the full stack work, so no concerns on data checking\validity
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