
Ohio prison didn't ban mein kampf, but banned java manual

  • 5
    Java definitely more harmful.
  • 8
    One makes you want to kill other people, one makes you want to kill yourself
  • 1
    What’s a java manual? 😄
  • 1
    Nothing wrong with that! You learn a lot about how to write by reading Mein Kampf, but learn nothing by reading Java Manual.
  • 0
    *whipes tears in 100 dllr bills**

    same as I do when people shit on PHP or JS, or Python
  • 3
    @AleCx04 you can make good money by using shit tools. But it doesn’t make those tools less shit. 🙂
  • 1
    @Lensflare I don't neckbeard over tools, so it works out for me. This is just a means to an end and I am aware it wouldn't be practical for me to have every system around me being built in Common Lisp or Rust, no matter how much I want to.

    It do be like that.
  • 1
    @AleCx04 counterintuitively, Lisp provides a very strong job security. Lisp people rarely get fired/laid off, if that. Also, they have very strong networking, and if some company like Nyxt hires lispers, you know it, and it’s easy to find a job.
    This is a stark contrast to what happens in big tech now, with facebook laying people off hundreds of developers.
    There are companies that use lisp, like autodesk. If they hire you, it’s pretty much forever.
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