
You think is a good ideea to develop using .NET platform? Or is better to use only JavaScript and his exstension?

  • 1
    Kind of an apples to oranges comparison.

    Edit: or do you mean .Net Core vs Node?
  • 0
    I love node and dotnet and honestly I cant give you an answer with that few details, the choice must be based on a lot of factors as @ClemFrieckie said
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    @rtannerf yeah I agree, a big project with node usually requires much boilerplate code, or tons of libraries
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    @jAsE discord and visual studio code are getting really close to native applications though.
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    @Jop- as lomg as there are no performance issues I really dont care if the CPU usage is a bit higher
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    @Jop- my VS code installation runs smoother than sublime text, is smaller and has less features. So its really depending on the developer and type of software
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