Django was the first then meteor js snap my heart, a few years of love and hate relationship I finally realized phoenix was the one all a long even though I kept thinking about meteor js from time to time <3

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    I have thought about trying out Phoenix before. It looks interesting, but I don't like the Rubyness of Elixir.
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    @thekid89 it is a bit rubyness but it sure help protecting me from shooting my self in my code xD and I'm surprisingly love the short exlier syntax now it short and more readable compare to Java script or even es6
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    @keanghok I think saying a language is cleaner or shorter then JS is kind of silly. Personally I find JS to be an extremely sloppy, messy, and overly engineered language.

    Well Elixir is a great language, I'm just not a fan of Ruby and as such not as interested in Elixir over Erlang.
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    @thekid89 true for Java script part
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