
Dad: "Install this apk for me"
*try it and installation fails*
Me: "I checked the repo and it's for a much older version of Android. Won't work for you."
Dad: "Don't be a quitter. It can definitely be done."

Please stop asking me for help.

  • 8
    Ah, dad jokes are the best.

    Now stop being a quitter and repackage it for his phone. 📱
  • 4
    Just get him an older phone seems the logical solution :)
  • 8
    Thats a way more high tier problem then most family members come with
  • 0
    Dad, i think it's time to change your Galaxy S1 :/
  • 0
    Why is your dad wanting an APK unless he knows how to check the version?
  • 0
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