
We're both senior devs, I use nodeJS/Python. Stop forcing your Java *superiority* shit on me. I can write the API using either language. Also fuck your JVM. FUCK THAT SHIT

  • 7
    Even tho java>anything, it really doesnt matter when it comes down to an api, i usually write those in php lmao
  • 0
    Although I agree with you would it not be better from a business perspective if you standardised your approach?

    Otherwise you're increasing the knowledge requirements for the role and restricting potential recruitment.
  • 0
    @LynxMagnus well, our team handles a variety of projects. I'm the nodejs/python guy, he's strictly java. I kinda know my way around java so I can back him up a little bit. Thing is, the specs for the current project requires websockets and me having experience with them before suggested that we can use nodejs since I have a reusable module we can probably customize. Thing is he doesn't have experience with websockets. So...
  • 1
    Makes sense and agree there should be a compromise between best for long term and best for the current situation. Just a thought ☺️
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